15 years of history

In the 14 editions so far, famous names have performed in Suceava: Eric Gales, newly No. 1 in the world in 2019, Robben Ford, Josh Smith, Kirk Fletcher, Big Daddy Wilson, Matt Schofield, all of them from the USA, Aynsley Lister, Malone Sibun Band and Giles Robson (UK), Henrik Freischlader (Ger), Blue Famiy & Ana Radzic (Ser), Tiny Legs Tim (Be), Goosebumps Brothers (It), Kai Strauss (Ger), Borsodi Blues (Hu), Lee Hedley (Irl), Sakis Dovolis Trio (Gr), Rivers Of Blues (Bg). Or Romanians established abroad like Joe Rusi (Nor), Marius Dobra (Au), John Montana (UK).

Since the pilot edition in "Enache's Dairy", the Festival has gone through numerous changes, passing through various locations (Casa de Cultură, Club 60, Talcioc Cultural, Gârla Morii, Cetatea de Scaun a Suceava, Esplanada Casai Culturii) and using names that have also changed (MusicFest, Blues No Mercy, Blues Con-Fusion).


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